Statement From County Sheriff and County Clerk Regarding SCOTUS Pistol Decision

We realize that the recent United States Supreme Court decision in New York State Rifle &
Pistol Association v. Bruen has left many NYS pistol permit licensees with questions as to the
status of their pistol license, as well as the licensing process in general. Unfortunately, we do
not yet have any definite answers on the local level.

To move forward, we must fully understand the implications and impact of this decision, as
well as its practical application on a state and county level. We must also consider
prospective action by the State of New York, such as new legislation that could affect the
entire pistol licensing process. We will diligently work with our colleagues across
government, both state and local, to accomplish this.

Until we have these answers, it would be unwise and premature to make any significant
changes to the current licensing procedure. The licensing officer for the County is still legally
tasked with approving pistol permits and any changes or amendments to those permits.
Permit applications and amendments will still be processed by the County Clerk. Any
changes to this process will be discussed and announced once finalized.
Though the ruling impacts New York State’s licensing procedure, it does not change other
aspects of New York’s pistol licensing law. To be clear, carrying a firearm without a license is
still illegal in this state, and all other requirements for obtaining a license still apply. It is
important that people understand this to prevent a situation where they might unknowingly
break the law and face possible consequences.

For now, anyone who is seeking to apply for a pistol license or change the restrictions on an
existing pistol license should submit the request to the County Clerk’s Office, where it will
be forwarded to the licensing officer for consideration.